Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Fancy Coloured Diamonds
Coloured diamonds are rare and valuable.Actually most diamonds are slightly coloured.Many people believe that white or colourless diamonds are the best and most valuable. Most diamonds in most jewellery stores are near colourless. When you get to know even a small amount about diamonds, you start to learn that most diamonds are not white, they are faintly yellow or brown. If you want to own a diamond without the slightest trace of colour then you have to pay quite a lot more for it.

Colours are Rarer than White
It is not generally realised by most people that coloured diamonds are actually many times rarer than whitish diamonds, and also more valuable, even though somewhat under-rated. There are numerous reasons for this. De Beers, the people who promote diamonds worldwide through the Diamond Information Service hardly ever promote or publicise coloured diamonds. They don't need to because very few natural fancy coloured diamonds are ever found, perhaps only about one in a million, to actively promote them would be counter-productive because they are already rare and valuable, and they can easily sell all they produce. Besides, if they promote coloured diamonds, it might damage demand for near-white ones!

The Best Colours
We believe there is no single "best colour", it depends on personal taste and preference. Any intensely coloured diamond is rare, attractive and valuable. Some colours are high preference colours, for example ask most people their favourite colour, and the standard replies will include blue, red, green, pink, purple, but probably not include brown or grey, even though grey is often a popular fashion choice for clothing for men and women. It's the same with diamonds. As we have stated, any intense colour is rare and desirable, but in addition, some colours are rare and desirable even if the colouration is only faint. These desirable faint colours would include blue, pink and red.

Fancy Intense Orange
Fancy intense orange is a rare and desirable colour for a diamond. The ring we feature here is made using the last of four fancy coloured stones we purchased some years ago. Here in the UK, most consumers do not yet know about fancy coloured diamonds. We sold one to a customer who had it set as the centre-stone of a seven stone diamond cluster, and two others to a retail jeweller in a more educated part of Britain. We believe that once we have sold this ring, we will receive continual enquiries for orange diamonds. In the past few months,,we have received a number of enquiries for fancy yellow "canary" coloured diamonds. We don't have a canary coloured stone, but we think ours is even more unusual and beautiful.


Anonymous said...

please provide the snapshot of em

One_yi said...

ok. the snapshot have been there..:) thx 4 the comment.